Monday, 26 October 2009

Play in the Park

It was a lovely sunny morning,
so after dismissing the beach because it wasn't warm enough to swim, it was decided we'd go to the park.

We saw lots of pigeons and ducks.

Then we went across to the playground for some swinging, climbing and sliding.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Tops and Tails

Ruby has recently developed an absolute passion for her elephant hood, we bought it from a friend who had made it from an old felted sweater. Ruby adores it and wants to wear it all the time.

She has also gone up a shoe size so needed new boots today, they are adorable.

A Creative Morning

We have had a creative morning, Alexander has to build a victorian invention for his half term homework, so he set to work with cereal boxes, glue and paint to construct a victorian car. Of course it didn't take too long for a couple of 'helpers' to join in.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Just starting out.

Well I decided it was about time I got 'blogging'. There are a few Blogs that I follow and I thought it might be fun to have a go.
It'll probably take me forever and a day to get it up and running but hopefully it will be a record to look back on in my chaotic world with 5 small children.